AnimalhealthEurope welcomes European Parliament resolution to protect companion animals

AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the resolution on the illegal trade in companion animals supported by an overwhelming majority of members of the European Parliament.

The resolution calls on the Commission to adopt measures such as: a mandatory EU system to register cats and dogs; more controls and improved law enforcement; and tougher sanctions against those supplying false pet passports.

Commenting on the vote in plenary, AnimalhealthEurope Secretary General Roxane Feller said, “It is very encouraging to see MEPs take a strong position for companion animal protection in Europe. There are many issues associated with the illegal trade of cats and dogs, not least a number of health concerns. Illegal practices can involve poor breeding conditions, lack of veterinary oversight and a failure to ensure the timely vaccination to protect vulnerable animals against a range of illnesses. Not only can this cause animal suffering, but it poses a serious public health risk as well. Protection against diseases like rabies, which affects both animals and people alike, can only be maintained if appropriate vaccination measures and strict use of the EU pet passport system are upheld.”

“The illegal trade of pets and its impact on animal health is a challenge that not many people are aware of in Europe. We are pleased to see this topic brought to the attention of EU decision-makers and hope that this will encourage measures to be taken against practices that blatantly disregard pet health and welfare,” concluded Feller.

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