One Health EJP Conference

Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe

The One Health EJP Conference provides an opportunity to reflect on the future of One Health, with a particular focus on Europe. Together with high level speakers from influential organisations, participants will discuss on what is currently being done and what we can expect from future European One Health initiatives to address the complex challenges our societies face.

In addition, the One Health EJP will be disseminating the solutions, improved knowledge, and impact that the project achieved during the five years of its existence.

The One Health European Joint Programme (One Health EJP) is a partnership across the fields of public health, animal health and food safety. Funded under Horizon2020, the One Health EJP brings together 44 institutions across 22 European countries, including the MedVetNet Association.

Since 2018, the One Health EJP funded 30 research projects, in which partner organisations come together to work across sectors and borders, tackling issues in the field of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging threats. The common aim is to improve the detect-prevent-response capacity of European countries. The One Health EJP will end in 2023, and the One Health EJP Conference “Collaborating to Face Future One Health Challenges in Europe” is an opportunity to give back to the community the developed solutions.

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